Port Curtis Sailing Club Trophy Night 2016
What better place to pull up your yacht and sail !
PCSC Club Manager Brien Dawson and the woman who makes things happen, wife Karen, ably supported by a great team of young and enthusiastic staff members, prepared the club to create a memorable Trophy Presentation night for 2016.
Steve Lewis once again did the honours as Master of Ceremonies, and it seemed to be a case of trophies and prizes spread throughout much of the membership;
if you turn up to sail regularly, the rewards will come!
Ken Watson was instrumental in creating many of the most highly collectible trophies of the night, though Ken's reward seems small in comparison...
Our Club Patron, Barry Austin came with ten pages of prepared speech,
fortunately it was just a threat...
The invited guests kept getting into the act,
Rick Niven leading the way with Christopher Mann in the first of many appearances
Georgia made many trips to the podium
followed by Jackson
The rest of the younger club members appeared
taking a haul away..
Will made an few appearances, while Christopher Mann took out the Hardy hat,
You have to sail Rick , if you want a trophy!!
Sue Doyle dealt with the Appreciation Certificates to Volunteers,
Shauna graciously accepted the rewards for Max Lubke
ensuring no one can use the "late for start excuse", next year..
Tony made a few appearances for Intriigue..
Solitaire was dealt a steady haul...
The grins were wide ..
Charlie flew in from OS to collect..
David has learnt to hand over the rewards... Addison is already a fan
Slim got a Guernsey as well..
The volunteers were well recognised ..
the Taylors giving Barry much appreciated help at Easter,
while the rest of us are obsessed with the Brisbane to Gladstone Race
Danon is always busy on Herc if not sailing himself
The harbour master won one too...he supplies the water....
Graeme Davies took charge of his Family Memorial Trophy
won by Scott Patrick
Lex took a turn on the presenting side
Lynne and Rag Top scored a few prizes
That Sonofabeach took a few away too...
till Tim took over...
so he could award Lex and Doctor's Orders a prize!
Maria made a few appearances
Rob was back again...
.. and Tony...
and so on and so on .. Lynne has a new clock ..
More certificates were handed to the volunteers
The crowd were having a good night..
Steve and John kept it moving along ...
Cary and John ...
danced back and forth..
but finally got their start co-ordinated..
Debbie made an appearance, collecting for the family
Alexa Mann was at the podium too..
Georgia lit up the stage with her smile on several occasions ...
as did Morgan... Girl power...
Rob and his shirt were back again for the Wistari Trophy..
re- engineered by Scott this year
some new faces, as the paparazzi turned up..
.looking for a new contract?
Ray is never sure why he is up there, but the crew will let him know..
the big trophies ( Club Championship) started to come out...
Scott won a trophy for Brisbane to Gladstone
... maybe next year there will be one for the First Multihull home,
hours ahead of the Mono hull fleet!
No Problem! 2nd on Handicap
Powering to the finish
Poetic license.. back to trophy night!
the coveted Fez, won by David
Intriigue was there again...
Georgia collected another trophy..
Tim sailed Thumbs Up to an award
Christopher starred ...
These two again...
Solitaire took out the coveted Club Championship Division 1..
it appears everyone in the club contributed to winning it too...
a few more shirts next year Jo!
Hard to get them all to concentrate by this time!
Tim was back, but not for the last time
The ladies were awarded flowers as a bribe for next season!!!
Flowers Bribe No 1 awarded to Pat Austin
Flower Bribe 2 goes to Leanne Ibel
Sarah does an exceptional job producing Straphanger
and every other little thing required for the committee.
The bar staff put up with a lot...
Sue Doyle helps out all over but particularly with Learn to Sail
and Vice Commodore Colleen Sawatski, who works tirelessly for the club
. and a well deserved, Sailor of the Year goes to Tim Williams,
presented by Councillor , Peter Masters
and that is The End
until the book comes out of the Best of the Season of Sailing
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