Beautiful blue skies a brisk breeze on the water that promised some action amongst the dinghies and what joy! ... a new skiff to photograph with the promise of a few spills and thrills to make the day interesting...
Jack and Ray partnered up ...
Jack was in for a rather .. wet, wet, wet experience
Colleen and Steve had a team..
there were big boats on the playing field..
Learn to sailors having their first 'yacht' experiences...
Steve and Morgon doing it consistently right..
Pocket Wockets and their crew...
there was Jordy and Ben to provide us with entertainment..
big fellows hanging out of little boats..
Maria looking sharp and fast...
Colleen to point the way...
Immigrant to set the pace ..
.. so others knew the way..
colourful cats..
the moment Ben said to Jordy
" dash it .... she has seen us "( or words to that effect)
over and over...
meanwhile back on the race track...
Morgan and Steve were leading the pacers..
Maria was letting nothing get in her way...
Ken was doing his apprenticeship...
there were bigger challenges out there...
Ray and Jack were pushing the envelope ..
the sports boats were chasing Immigrant
Afternoon tea was served...
Maria went zooming past...
The pocket wocket came back under kite,
Ben and Jordy came screaming past us looking for revenge..
.. but I got them instead....
by now the yachts were on the last leg
back and forth ..
changing places....
Finishing the race was easy...
getting back to the bar proved a lot more challenging ..
some mighty big fenders were called for..
the dinghies trawled through the mud..
which is why Ben and Jordy did half their de - rigging at Middle bank
everybody was knee deep..
so lets fnish with some of the nicer shots while they all dig themselves out of the mud!!