Saturday, May 30, 2015

Trophy Night 2015

The end of another season, lifejackets aside for the night and out with the party gear ...

                                               Lynne led the proceedings , giving Steve a pass out..
The table was laden with goodies ..
Christopher ended up with huge block of chocolate for his efforts..

Will was winning shares in Cadburys as well..

Maria and Ken got acquainted

                                           Sponsors were accounted for..

                                                          Barry said a few words..
Volunteers were rewarded..

                                             The Commodore got into the act..

Tim won the first Logie!

followed by a few other colourful characters

                                                     .. even the judging committee won a Logie!

and there were more!

So many ....

some leaned in for it...

some took it out..

Tim did an admirable job of standing in for Dave and Jacqui

There were hand shakes,


                                                              family awards,

                                       Skippers lost in Europe...while the team took the prize

preparations for next Easter..

Flowers for the ladies..

                                                             and the Patrons medal for Sue!

Winter sports anyone?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fairway Buoy Race and that's a wrap for the season!

                           I think everyone is just a bit "over it", with only  a handful of yachts and crew heading for the Fairway Buoy Race.. and not all of us were keen at first!

                                On No Problem it was hard to figure out whether we had started or not!

                                               Tuan and Intriigue were pacing around waiting for us...


                                Everybody else was 'LATE' .. or maybe WE were late .. or early..


                                                           Colleen was out on Intriigue


                                                               Ray had the girls ...

                                           Lynne Campbell's photo.

                                         Tuan were looking for the G&T supply ship

Muriel and Carli did the ropes

                                     There were a few ship movements to keep us interested


                                         Maria had a lesson in the responsibilities of the helm...

We came prepared for any weather!

                                                    Marina Hobbs's photo.

                                               there was the occasional Crew challenge !

The skipper had no complaints.. or else!
Marina Hobbs's photo.
We tried a bit of rum bargaining ...
but to no avail...

                                    The gas ship was heading for the big light in the sky

                                          The day was done by the time we headed in..

... and that's a season wrap..
Trophy night is next Saturday night, please RSVP to the office and come along ..

Thanks Lynne Campbell for the photo from the deck of Tuan!