Celebrations began in the usual fashion with a few drinks, a sumptuous meal catered by the Yacht club staff, Santa arriving with presents for all...
My wish for next Christmas.. Brien....
is a lot better background for those photos!
The children were gathered
patiently waiting
for the big guy to arrive ...
the girls were ready on hand to serve
the sailors were neither wet nor zinced
the girls were looking glamorous
there were brothers in sailing
Club patron Barry ..
more glamour girls ..
and guys
and couples ...
Finally the moment we'd all been waiting for..
Yes ! He finally arrived, though sadly not by boat...
Santa got down to work without further ado..
handing out the gifts ..
puzzling ..or not!
there were smiles all round ..
Santas' little elf kept hard at work...
.. some needed help ..
while others knew the drill..
there were no tears...
even if he looked a little weird...
we had the sure and savvy..
the newbies..
the dads with engineering know how !!!
and the sister who knew how it worked
and why is it the boys always get the fun toys.. ???
Barry and Santa discussed world affairs
David went for World Peace
Santa stayed to mingle ..
and our cute future sailors played with their new toys