Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Three Island Race

 It was a beautiful winters day in CQ, with blue skies, the wind skittering across the water, crystal clear  reflections and a fleet of yachts and team of runners prepared to enjoy the day.

                          Thylacine was the first boat off the pontoon and Mike and Brett Stevens
                                                              took it away for the runners

Mike was into it from the word "GO"

followed by Brett who changed tack before the start gun

and with a happy crew Thylacine was away///

.. then along came Tuan..all in order

but I missed the runner I was so intrigued by the action on board..

Third in line was No Problem... with a few aboard for the morning outing

                                    ....the first of the multi's for .... which PCSC is becoming renowned..

Charmaine was afloat with triumph ... and that was just the first run!!

 and so .. away

Intriigues runners came at pace ...

a father / son team .. perhaps.??

.. jumped aboard and the quick tri was gone ..

then along came Mark .. a streak in fine form as usual..

and behind him his team..

and with Lex and his new recruits Brad and Graham

                                        They spent a bit of time doing ship board safety ..

                                  and that was the last boat ... finally away..

                      ...... now ......there were lots of adventures,...
                                               people fell out of dinghies,
                                               and boats touched the odd bit of gravel or sand,
                                                         some did a circle or two...

                          but ... everybody came home with the same numbers they left with ....

                                                 and  they were all still smiling

                                                   so that's a pretty good day....



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pleiades Cup Weekend

                       It was a crisp July morning , when at least part of the fleet set sail from A 8 off Auckland Point. It was a bit of a mystery as to just where everyone else was.. after all we had hosted the farewell party for the Paul family the night before ... and we managed to make the 9 am start...

However .. it soon became clear that it was a two horse race between Pleiades and No Problem, with Intriigue and Doctors Orders very late starters at about 10.30 am.

As it turned out the two tri's caught up quickly and got there before us .. moral of the story.. we might as well have stayed in bed too...

upon arrival into Coloseum Inlet we were greeted by the graceful sails

of a dinghy sailed by Dirk Beyers.. this seems to be it's annual outing too..

                                        It was so pretty .. I played around with it for a while ..

Then Lynne sent in a few good shots of the crowd arriving ..

Marina had to do anchor duty .. and winch duty and lunch duty..

where is Geoff Mc Innerney she asked????

the usual race was held ..

                                                     Intriigue was colourful..and keen

Sue and Lex were two up as well..

                                                      Tony had the young and the restless...

Pleiades took half the settlement

Doctor's Orders took the trophy

Pleiades looked good in an old fashioned way

and with a crowd aboard full sail

and so
the weekend finished with a cosy evening by the bonfire , good pizzas and good company..