Saturday, August 18, 2012

A new yacht for the new season- fast and furious it will be!

Lex has bought a new trimaran - a 31' Farrier called Doctor's Orders.

                             We are all looking forward to watching him learn to drive the machine!
                                                            Especially the paparazzi!

                                                                there were plenty of helpers ....

....they did have to call the doc to get to this stage!

                                             but they followed orders....

bit by bit...

                                                            .. bill to follow...

                                                     standing tall.......

                                                       .. a lot of boat..

                                                        ready to roll.....

put the assorted 'stuff' aboard

here she comes....
                                               .. christened by Lex...

the crew...........
                                                                      the bungs were in....                

                                                                               looking good.......

off she goes .........

                                                        Tom checks out his inheritance....

now this season could be REALLY fun!