Sunday, April 10, 2011

The last Championship Race of the season.

Not the usual jostling for position, make it or break it, atmosphere, however the die hards still turned out for a race on the choppy waters on Saturday.
Lots of people got practise in Man overboard drill, including the dinghies!

                                          They were away    

        Ray had a heap of people in Immigrant shirts aboard............all gazing wonderingly at the speeds they were doing?

                        Maybe a few more cats ?      ...........

                        Oh ..that's right there were a couple of other boats out there!  

                                                 Last weeks winners.........

                                         Maria showed her mettle, and never gave up!


                                              a Normal situation here

The start.......                                 


                       It was choppy! We were bouncing around in Gedrick, trying to get straight horizons!


                                                                   1,2,3,4,..that's right!

The light was in the wrong place a lot of the time,

                                                                Confusion reigned ...... well we were confused!      

                                                   Tom was there too.          

           choppy waters, kite coming down.....

                           and i thought i'd just finish with guessed . No Problem!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another Saturday, another race

Close to Easter, people are busy preparing boats for the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race or sailing regattas away, or just not bothered! Six yachts turned out for the start

                                     Toot headed out , Barry had the team working hard...................

                             Solitaire is making a habit of this but they have anew foredecky each week.....?

                            Maria was out racing the Impulse for the first time...........

                                                   and looking pretty serious...........

                                            Everything was A- okay with Cooper and Son

                                                    Hannah was a presence..............

                      the boys on Intrigue were into refreshments early..............

                                  On Solitaire at least the sails work!.................

                                                          Rag Top had a cast of thousands......

  Liquidator Led the fleet from the start.........

                                                         Upshot crossed the start line ....and I left them to it!

                             A few more from last week to remember what sailing on 'A good day' can be like!

                                                            Everyone smiles !!!

                                  We all try harder.........................

                                                All The Paparazzi want to be there!

                                                                             Note smile!

                                                              Ray was two handed - he smiled! 

                                      Was that Rob? ........or a misplaced adventurer off to conquer Africa?  

                              The whole photo of Upshot- sorry guys i chopped you out last week!

                                                          Hannah in our wake

                                                                        ...... at this point we got out of the way!   

                                             Maybe Tom needs a bigger boat - somewhere for his legs? 

The End