Loco was racing before the raqce evan started !
Immigrant was too!
......... the adrenaline was building as skippers planned their start,.........
Shauna joined the Fuzzy girls for a bit of scary fun....
and on NO Problem, Rob thought he was going to relax and get a few photos ......... :)
..that was until the rush to the start began and the little devils came out.......
..they converged on Toot.... Lucky for that barging buoy
.note the mast height on that boat that is NOT an ELLIOT......:)
Barry and Cary have applied for danger money....
No Problem wisely stayed out of trouble and covered our ears from the yelling , calling and general chaos .................
having all survived ... we set off...
Super Freaky
Wayfarer took on the Tri ........
Carli had fun...........
Immigrant had an interesting day......
NO Problem hit 14 knots coming home and the tri was right behind us.....
that racing next week is a Friday evening twilight race..... 5pm start.......make it social..........